Advisor* and/or Graduate Committee Member for Master of Science Candidates in the Biology and Water Sciences programs:   Murray State University (MSU), the University of Louisville (UL), and the University of Kentucky (UK) for the following students:
Teresa Martin (MSU, Watershed Science).  2013
Thesis title: You are what you eat: Macroinvertebrates and stable isotopes at Panther and Ledbetter Creeks.
Amy Krzton-Presson (MSU, Water Sciences).  2011
Thesis title:  Effects of Phragmites management on reptiles and amphibians at Clear Creek Wildlife Mgt. Area.
Brett Davis (MSU, Fisheries Biology).  2011
Thesis title:  Effects of Phragmites management on fishes at Clear Creek Wildlife Mgt. Area.
*Courtney (Snapp) Hunt (MSU, Water Sciences).  2008
Thesis Title:  Diatom colonization in springs of contrasting geologic origin in Land-Between-the-Lakes, western Kentucky and Tennessee.
*Seth Hunt (MSU, MS Water Sciences).  2005
Thesis Title:  Heterotrophic algae beneath two streams of contrasting land use in western Kentucky and Tennessee.
*Sara Klaus Estorer (MSU, MS Biology).  2005
Thesis Title: Movement of nitrogen through the hyporheic zone of mid-west agricultural and forested streams.
Matthew Williamson (MSU, MS Water Sciences).  2005
Thesis Title: Effects of atrazine on survival of tricopteran larvae.
David V. Cano (MSU, MS Biology).  2005
Thesis Title:  Community composition and phylogenetic relationships of Eubacteria from sediment soil samples of the littoral zone of Ledbetter Creek embayment, Kentucky Lake, during summer and winter pool.
Amanda Nelson (MSU, MS Water Sciences).  2004
Thesis Title:  Assessing the sediment quality in Kentucky Lake using gamma-scan biomonitoring and Tubifex tubifex (Oligochaeta: Tubificidae).
*Kelly Wills (MSU, MS Water Sciences).  2002
Thesis Title:  Phosphorus release from the sediments of two third-order streams in Kentucky and Tennessee: effects of contrasting land-use.
T. Scott Wright (MSU, MS, Water Sciences).  2003
Thesis Title:  Distribution patterns of hyporheic meiofauna in an agricultural stream gravel bar series.
Mara Lindsley Smith (MSU, MS Biology).  2002
Thesis Title:  Classification of wetland vegetation using hyperspectral and multispectral imagery and the use of GIS to detect jurisdictional wetland boundaries.”
Denise Moyer (MSU, MS Biology).  2002
Thesis Title:  Use of stable organic carbon isotopes (13C), C/N ratios and % C to indicate the origin of carbon in the sediments of a southeastern reservoir, Kentucky Lake, KY and distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates in a southeastern reservoir (Kentucky Lake, KY) based on spatial, temporal, and physical-chemical characteristics.
Karen Exton-Thompson (UK, MS Geology/Hydrology).  2002
Thesis Title:  Groundwater flow in the Ledbetter Creek watershed, Calloway County, KY.
Baki Billah Sadi  (MSU, MS Chemistry).  2001
Thesis Title: Temporal Trends of Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Pollutants in Ledbetter embayment, Kentucky Lake.
John Rundle (MSU, MS Biology).  2001
Thesis Title:  The effect of altered hydrology on the nitrate removal capacity of western Kentucky wetlands.
Julie Tabor (MSU, MS Biology).  2000
Thesis Title:  Seasonal patterns of phytoplankton in Ledbetter Embayment of Kentucky Lake.
Christopher Brooks (MSU, MS Biology).  2000
Thesis Title:  The effect of erosive land uses on the distribution and abundance of hyporheic invertebrates.
Jason Williams (UL, MS Biology).  1999
Thesis Title:  Regulation of phytoplankton and bacterioplankton production by nutrient availability and advective losses in a large river impoundment (Kentucky Lake).
Heather Richard (MSU, MS Water Sciences).  1999
Thesis Title:  Distribution of carbon dioxide and methane in Kentucky Lake: seasonal, spatial, and long-term patterns.
Bobby Lee (MSU, MS Biology).   1995
Thesis Title:  Littoral zones in a reservoir: groundwater flow paths and Justicia americana distributions.
Raquel Reinhardt (MSU, Candidate Water Sciences)
Thesis Title:  The influence of landscape on nutrient flux in a 4th order western Kentucky stream.
Natalie Ohl (MSU, Candidate Water Sciences)
Thesis Title:  Recolonization of macroinvertebrates in the drawdown zone and effect of leaf in-put on Ledbetter embayment, Kentucky Lake.
Thomas Moore (Undergraduate Research (CRUI), Biology).  2000-2002
Project Title:  Nutrient cycling by benthic bacteria at Ledbetter Embayment.  Paper presented at the National Science Foundation Collaborative Research in Undergraduate Institutions Symposium, MSU, and Kentucky Academy of Science, Murfreesboro, TN.
Joseph Gar (Faculty, West Kentucky Community and Technical College). 
     Summers 2002-2004
Publication and project title:  Gar, J.  2005.  Assessing Water Quality of Two Creeks Using Biodegradable Dissolved Organic Carbon Analyses.  J. Kentucky Acad. Sci.