White, D.S., and S.P. Hendricks. (submitted 2020). The Ohio River. In: Benke, A.C. and C.E. Cushing (eds). Rivers of North America, Chapter 9. 2nd Edition, Elsevier Academic Press. |
Jett, M.R, M.Z. Rashed, S.P. Hendricks, S.J. Williams. (submitted 2020). Electrical characterization of phytoplankton suspensions using impedance spectroscopy. J. Applied Phycology. |
Rhodes, G., …Hendricks, S. et al. 2020. Integration of ecosystem science into radioecology: A consensus perspective. Science of the Total Environment 740 (2020) 140031. Open access https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitoenv.2020.140031 |
Princiotta, S., S. Hendricks, and D. White. 2019. Production of cyanotoxins by Microcystis aeruginosa mediates interactions with the mixotrophic flagellate, Cryptomonas Toxins, 11, 223. Open access http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/toxins11040223 |
Rusak, J. et al. 2018. Wind and trophic status explain within- and among-lake variability of algal biomass. Limnology and Oceanography Letters. Open access https://doi.org/10.1002/lol2.10093 |
Anderson, T., L. Sheppard, J. Walter, S. Hendricks, T. Levine, D. White, and D. Reuman. 2018. The dependence of synchrony on timescale and geography in freshwater plankton. Limnology and Oceanography. Open access https://doi.org/10.1002/lno.11054 |
Anderson, T., J. Walter, T. Levine, S. Hendricks, K. Johnston, D. White, and D. Reuman. 2018. The use of geography to infer the importance of dispersal for the synchrony of freshwater plankton. OIKOS 127 (3): 337-481. |
Hendricks, S.P. 2017. Where Five Rivers Meet: The Far Western Waters of Kentucky, p. 103-115. In: Lee, B.L., D.I. Carey, and A.L. Jones(eds), Water in Kentucky, Natural History, Communities and Conservation. University of Kentucky Press, 252 p. |
Jude, D., M. Edlund, and S. Hendricks. 2016. Water chemistry, algae, zooplankton, and fish of Palmer, Long, and Thompson lakes, 2015-2016. Final Report. Freshwater Physicians, Inc. Brighton, Michigan. 101 p. |
Hendricks, S., B. VandeKopple, P. Goodspeed, and D. White. 2016. Groundwater Connectivity between Douglas Lake and Carp Creek Based on Fluorescein Dye Studies. Michigan Academician XLIII: 380-392. |
Solomon, C.T., S.P. Hendricks et al. 2013. Ecosystem respiration: Drivers of daily variability and background respiration in lakes around the globe. Limnology and Oceanography. 58:849-866. |
Fryar, A.E., K.E. Thompson, S.P. Hendricks, and D.S. White. 2010. Incorporating a watershed-based capstone field exercise into an introductory hydrogeology course. Journal of Geological Education 58(4): 214-220. |
White, D.S. and S.P. Hendricks. 2010. Lakes and Reservoirs as Environmental Sensors: the Value of Long-Term and High Frequency Monitoring, p. 31-41. In: Hamilton, S.W., A.F. Scott, and L.D. Estes. Proceedings of the 13th conference on the Natural History of Land-Between-the-Lakes, Brandon Springs, TN. |
Hendricks, S. and T. Timmons. 2008. Fish species of the Little River basin, western Kentucky, 2000-2003. J. Kentucky Acad. Sci. 69(2):187-192. |
Hunt, C.S. and S.P. Hendricks. 2008. Diatom species composition and environmental conditions at four perennial springs in western Kentucky and Tennessee. J. Kentucky Acad. Sci. 69(2):141-151. |
Hendricks, S.P., J.H. Duff, F.J. Triska, and A.P. Jackman. 2008. Bacterial biomass and productivity within hyporheic sediments of a sandy-bed, low elevation river in northcentral Minnesota. Verh. Internat. Verein Limnol. 30:203-212. |
Fryar, A.E., K.E., Thompson, S. P. Hendricks, and White, D.S. 2007. Groundwater flow and reservoir management in a tributary watershed along Kentucky Lake. Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science 68:11–23. |
Hendricks, S.P. and M.R. Luttenton. 2007 Benthic algal taxa (exluding the diatoms) in the Little River basin, western Kentucky, USA. J. Kentucky Acad. Sci. 68:31-36. |
Hendricks, S.P., M.R. Luttenton, and S.W. Hunt. 2006. Benthic diatom species list and environmental conditions in the Little River basin, western Kentucky, USA. J. Kentucky Acad. Science 67: 22-38. |
Yurista, P., D.S. White, G.W. Kipphut, G. Rice, K. Johnston, and S.P. Hendricks. 2004. Nutrient patterns in a mainstem reservoir, Kentucky Lake, USA, over a 10-year period. Lake and Reservoir Management 20: 148-163. |
Battin, T., L.A. Kaplan, J.D. Newbold, and S.P. Hendricks. 2003. A mixing model analysis of stream solute dynamics and the contribution of a hyporheic zone to ecosystem function. Freshwater Biology 48: 995-1014. |
Bukaveckas, P.A., J.J. Williams, and S.P. Hendricks. 2002. Factors regulating autotrophy and heterotrophy in the main channel and an embayment of a large river impoundment (Kentucky Lake). Aquatic Ecology 36: 355-369. |
Duff, J.H., S.P. Hendricks, A.P. Jackman, and F.J. Triska. 2002. The effect of Elodea canadensis beds on porewater chemistry, microbial respiration, and nutrient retention in the Shingobee River, Minnesota, NA. Verh. Internat. Verein Limnol. 28: 214-222. |
Halda-Alija, L., S.P. Hendricks, and T. Johnston. 2001. Spatial and temporal variation of Enterobacter genotypes in sediments and the underlying hyporheic zone of an agricultural stream. Microbial Ecology 42: 286-294. |
Hendricks, S.P., and D.S. White. 2000. Stream and groundwater influences on phosphorus biogeochemistry, pages 221-235. In: Jones, J.J. and P.J. Mulholland (eds.), Streams and Ground Waters. Academic Press. |
White, D.S., and S.P. Hendricks. 2000. Lotic macrophytes and surface-subsurface exchange processes, pages 363-379. In: Jones, J.J. and P.J. Mulholland (eds.), Streams and Ground Waters. Academic Press. |
Hendricks, S.P. 2000. Bioassessment of hyporheic microbial communities using a specially-designed sediment colonization chamber, pp. 107-112. In: Proceedings of the ground-water/surface-water interactions workshop. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, publication no. EPA/542/R-00/007. www.clu-in.org. |
Hendricks, S.P and G. Rice. 2000. Utilization of a specially-designed sediment colonization chamber for examining hyporheic microbial communities. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 15: 445-453. |
Hart, D.R., P.J. Mulholland, E.R. Marzolf, D.L. DeAngelis, and S.P. Hendricks. 1999. Relationships between hydraulic parameters in a small stream under varying flow and seasonal conditions. Hydrological Processes 13: 1497-1510. |
Mulholland, P.J., E.R. Marzolf, J.R. Webster, D.R. Hart, and S.P. Hendricks. 1997. Evidence that hyporheic zones increase heterotrophic metabolism and phosphorus uptake in forested streams. Limnology and Oceanography, 42: 443-451. |
Hendricks, S.P. 1996. Bacterial biomass, activity, and production within the hyporheic zone of a north-temperate stream. Archiv für Hydrobiologie136: 467-487. |
Hendricks, S.P. and D.S. White. 1995. Seasonal biogeochemical patterns in surface water, subsurface hyporheic, and riparian groundwater in a temperate stream ecosystem. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 134: 459-490. |
Mulholland, P.J., E.R. Marzolf, S.P. Hendricks, R.V. Wilkerson and A.K. Baybayan. 1995. Longitudinal patterns in periphyton biomass, productivity, and nutrient cycling: a test of upstream-downstream linkage. J. No. Amer. Benthol. Soc. 14: 357-370. |
Hendricks, S.P. 1993. Microbial ecology of the hyporheic zone: a perspective on the integration of hydrology and biology. J. No. Amer. Benthol. Soc. 12: 70-78. |
Hendricks, S.P. 1992. Bacterial dynamics near the groundwater-surface water interface (hyporheic zone) of a sandy-bed, third-order stream in northern Michigan, p. 27-35. In: Stanford, J.A. and J.J. Simons (Eds.). Proceedings of the First International Conference on Ground Water Ecology. American Water Resources Association, Bethesda, Maryland. |
White, D.S., S.P. Hendricks, and S.L. Fortner. 1992. Groundwater-surface water interactions and the distributions of aquatic macrophytes, p. 247-255. In: Stanford, J.A. and J.J. Simons (Eds.). Proceedings of the First International Conference on Ground Water Ecology, American Water Resources Association, Bethesda, Maryland. |
Hendricks, S.P. and D.S. White. 1991. Physicochemical patterns within a hyporheic zone of a northern Michigan river, with comments on surface water patterns. Can. J. Fish. Aq. Sci. 48: 1645-1654. |
Hendricks, S.P. and D.S. White. 1988. Hummocking by lotic Chara (Charales): observations on alterations of hyporheic temperature patterns. Aquatic Botany 31: 13-22. |
White, D.S., C.H. Elzinga, and S.P. Hendricks. 1987. Temperature patterns within the hyporheic zone of a northern Michigan river. J. No. Amer. Benthol. Soc. 6: 85-91. |
Hazlett, B.T., S.P. Hendricks, G.P. Fons, P.W. Thompson, and J.R. Wells. 1986. A botanical foray to the Fox Islands, northern Lake Michigan. Michigan Botanist 25: 3-10. |
Jude, D., M. Edlund, and S. Hendricks. 2016. Water chemistry, algae, zooplankton, and fish of Palmer, Long, and Thompson lakes. Freshwater Physicians, Inc. Brighton, Michigan. 101 p. |
Arnone, J.A., A.K. Ward, L.B. Johnson, D.E. Smith, A.L. Rypstra, S.P. Hendricks, A. McKee, and N.J. Huntly. 2014. Quantifying the effectiveness of the Association of Ecosystem Research Centers (AERC) as an educational vehicle linking ecosystem research to public policy through hands-on training, congressional briefings, and Capitol Hill office visits. Bulletin Ecological Soc. Amer. 95:303-317. |
Hendricks, S. P. 2010. Total Maximum Daily Load for 37 Pathogen-Impaired Stream Segments in the Clarks River Basin, (Eschericia coli and coliforms), USGS Hydrologic Unit 06040006. Kentucky Division of Water, Frankfort, KY. 218 p. http://water.ky.gov/waterquality/Documents/ApprovedTMDL/Clarks River E. coli final-Sept2011.pdf |
Hendricks, S.P, D.S. White, and T. Timmons. 2006. Final Report: Biological assessment of the Little River Watershed, 2003. Kentucky Division of Water/U.S. EPA. Frankfort, KY. |
Hendricks, S.P. and T.O. Johnson. 2005. Project Report: Specimen incorporation, database and website development for the Murray State University Herbarium. Kentucky Academy of Science. |
White, D., S. Entrekin, T. Timmons, and S. Hendricks. 2002. Biological monitoring in the lower Cumberland and Tennessee River basins. Kentucky Non-Point Source Conference, Barkley Lake Resort Park, Sept. 2002. |
White, D., S. Entrekin, T. Timmons, and S. Hendricks. 2002. Biological baseline conditions in the Little River Watershed. Kentucky Non-Point Source Conference, Barkley Lake Resort Park, Sept. 2002. |
White, D.S., S.P. Hendricks, G. Kipphut, T. Johnston, W. Spencer. 2000. Final Report. A comparison of agricultural vs. forested basins: carbon and nutrient cycling within the hyporheic ecotone of streams. EPA/NSF Water and Watersheds Program. EPA grant# R824786. |