Project Date
Project Title
Funding Agency
2020-2024 Kentucky’s Advanced Manufacturing: Infrastructure for Embedded‐Sensor Products to Repair and Sustain Agricultural Ecosystems (w/Fox, Malzone, Hendricks, White, Harnett, Ford et al., UK, MSU, EKU, U of L) NSF-EPSCoR (submitted 12/1/2017)

$ 5.15 million (pending)

2016-2020 Sensing and Educating the Nexus to Sustain Ecosystems (SENSE): A Kentucky-West Virginia Partnership. Co-PI. NSF-EPSCoR

$3.9 million

2016-2018 Isomotive dielectrophoresis for enhanced analysis of cell subpopulations (Co-PI with Stuart Williams, Sch of Engineering, University of Louisville). NSF $372,500
2015- 2016 Palmer-Long Lakes Restoration (D. Jude, Freshwater Physicians, Brighton, MI). Colon Lake Township Board, St. Joseph Co., MI $15,000
2011 Freshwater Advanced Aquatic Sensor Workshop: Sensors, Platforms, and Information Management (Co-PI with Nadelhoffer, Kwaiser, Telak, Meadows (UMBS/UMCollEngineering/HBS/GLEON)). NSF-FSML $44,000
2010-2014 Development of a rapid wetland assessment method for Kentucky. Co-PI (w/KDOW, EKU, MSU). U.S. EPA $544,000
2009-2012 Collaborative Research: Cyberinfrastructure for a Virtual Observatory and Ecological Informatics System (VOEIS). Co-PI. NSF-EPSCoR $3,000,000
2007-2008 Diatom Colonization Patterns in Streams of Contrasting Geologic Origin in Land-between-the-Lakes, western Kentucky and Tennessee (PI w/C. Snapp). USGS/KWRRI $5000
2005-2009 Clarks river and East Fork Clarks River TMDL development for the Four Rivers Watershed in Calloway, McCracken, Graves and Marshall Counties, Kentucky. CoPI. KDOW/USEPA $312,000
2002-2005 Kentucky Environmental Research and Education Consortium: Center for Watershed Environments at Murray State University. CoPI. NSF-EPSCoR $1,400,000
2001-2004 Specimen incorporation, database and website development for the Murray State University Regional Herbarium. PI. KY Academy of Science $7,600
2001-2004 Ecological and biogeochemical processes within a reservoir (Kentucky Lake) littoral zone. Co-PI. NSF-CRUI $780,000
2002-2004 Biological monitoring program expansion: lower Cumberland and Tennessee River basins. Co-PI. KDOW $83,333
2000-2002 Water quality studies on Lake Barkley tributaries. Co-PI. KDOW $83,333
1999-2001 Watershed-reservoir linkages: the effects of water level management on hydrology and water quality in hydroelectric reservoirs. PI. USDOE-EPSCoR $72,000
1998-2001 FSML: Glasshouse/Mesocosm facility at Hancock Biological Station. Co-PI. NSF-FSML $187,000
1997-2000 Transport, accumulation, and utilization of organic carbon in large reservoir systems. Co-PI. USDOE-EPSCoR $420,000
1995-1999 A comparison of agricultural vs. forested basins: carbon and nutrient cycling within the hyporheic ecotone of streams. Co-PI. NSF-EPA $300,000