Alumni News

Mom's fridge exhibit flyer

Waterfield Library to host Painting Exhibit

By Alex Pologruto

Murray State University’s Waterfield Library will host an exhibition of paintings by students in Painting II-Painting VII courses.

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Campus Entrance

Students encouraged to register for spring 2023 semester as well as upcoming winter term

By Shawn Touney

Murray State University students are encouraged to begin forming a plan and meeting with their academic advisor as registration is open for the upcoming winter term

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campus shot of students

You Matter! We care about you.

By Peggy Whaley

“You Matter! We care about you.” That’s been the underlying theme for Student Affairs for many years and this year is no different with their new mental health awareness campaign.

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Briona Young and Dr. Brittany Wood

Political science major presents research in Greece

By Alex Pologruto

Murray State University political science major, Briona Young, a junior from Louisville, Kentucky, received the opportunity to present her research project this past July in Athens, Greece

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