CHA Residential Counselors

The Residential Counselor (RC) for CHA is a position that serves as the backbone to a student's experience, serving as personal support in the residence hall, coordinator for group activities, guide for behavioral expectations, and the facilitator for a personal growth seminar. RCs possess exceptional maturity, are organized and honest, display an outgoing and approachable nature, and collaborate well with peers.

View the RC Job Description

CHA Activities Coordinator

The Activities Coordinator (AC) serves the entire community in designing and planning activities and services for the program. The AC focus is on logistics, including purchasing, reservations, planning, and guiding other members of the lead team as activities are coordinated and carried out. The AC is organized, honest, trustworthy, and transparent. They are self-motivated and operate well under pressure, receiving guidance and feedback as well as providing it.

View the Activities Coordinator Job Description

Time Requirements & Duties

Time requirements

  • Must be available 24/7 during the entire academy, including weekends. You will have one 24-hour period off during each week of the three weeks of the Academy.
  • Must participate in two planning weekends.


RCs live in the residence hall with the students and are often the front line for health and behavior issues.

Additional duties include:

  • Supervise students morning, evenings, and weekends.
  • Co-lead a personal growth seminar that meets three times a week for three weeks
  • Sponsor floor/hall/community activities for the individuals and the entire community to create a residential atmosphere designed to foster and achieve the Academy's goals
  • Serve as a resource person and referral agent for student health and counseling services

For a full list of job duties, view the RC Job Description

Important Dates


Important Dates

  • Applications due: Feburary 1
  • Interview Dates: February 2024 TBD
  • First Planning Workshop: April 12 (starting at 4 p.m.)13
  • Second Planning Workshop: May 4
  • CHA: June 8-29

Contact Us

If you have questions about residential counselor roles and responsibilities, please contact Professor Melanie McCallon Seib, Student Life Dean at

Leadership Team

  • Laura Sullivan-Beckers, Academic Dean
  • Melanie McCallon Seib, Student Life Dean
  • Jonathan Durr, Counseling Director

Compensation and Conditions

Time for faculty to work together to develop curriculum is crucial to the success of the Commonwealth Honors Academy. Therefore, faculty members are required to participate in one weekend planning session (April 11-12) and to arrive on campus on June 5th to finalize plans for CHA. An additional Zoom meeting may be required prior to the start of the academy.

Faculty availability in and out of the classroom is key to the development of the living-learning community at CHA. Therefore, faculty are encouraged to eat lunch and/or dinner with students, be available during office hours, attend seminars, and some of the guest speakers and extra-curricular activities. Faculty are not expected to live in the dorms. Local faculty are expected to live at their own homes.

Compensation for Residential Counselors for the four weeks + planning weekends is $2,350 and includes room in the residential college and meals on campus.








