HBS Research and Education Facilities | |
For pictures of each of the buildings and facilities, click on the titles. Locations of each can be found on the STATION MAP | |
MAIN BUILDING - Contains main offices, class and lecture rooms, research laboratories, and kitchen/dining room RESOURCE BUILDING* - Contains class and research space, Herbarium, shop/fabrication areas, and storage. MESOCOSM FACILITY* - Composed of a 1600 sq ft glasshouse for controlled experiments, wet laboratories, and 5000 sq ft outside mesocosm area. BOATHOUSE - Contains 8 slips and 2 enclosed research/storage areas; houses the Station's 3, 28-ft pontoon boats and the Surveyor I research vessel WELL HOUSE - Station water supply; also contains forestry/maintenance/fabrication area PICNIC AREA - Available for University sponsored functions; also contains canoes, rowboats, and sailboats and a paddle/life preserver storage building PAVILION - Solar powered. Available for University sponsored functions. ARTIFICIAL WETLAND COMPLEX - Handles Station wastewater treatment; contains a wide variety of aquatic plants and is a prime bird viewing area PRAIRIE - (not shown on map) - A natural prairie remnant that is maintained through controlled burns |
PONDS - (not shown on map) - The Station maintains a number of small woodland ponds for research NATURE TRAIL - More than a mile long, this interpretive trail was created by a local Boy Scout troop HOUSING RESEARCHER CABINS CONTAINING FULL KITCHENS AND BATHS WOLFSON - Named in honor of Alfred and Emily Wolfson, this cabin can house up to 10 visitors SCHNAUTZ* - Named in honor of Ed Schnautz, long-time Station Manager and naturalist. RAFINESQUE* - Named in honor of Samuel Constantine Rafinesque, Kentucky naturalist in the early 1800s. AUDUBON* - Named in honor of James J. Audubon, Kentucky naturalist and ornithologist in the early 1800s. STUDENT CABINS SERVICED BY THE BATHHOUSE* CABINS 1-10, 17 - 2 person units CABINS 11-16 - 4 person units * - Constructed with support from the National Science Foundation |