Dr. Nikki Gaylord named Board of Regents Teaching Award recipient
Murray State University’s College of Education and Human Services (COEHS) is proud to announce Dr. Nikki Gaylord as the recipient of this year’s Board of Regents Teaching Award.
Murray State University’s College of Education and Human Services (COEHS) is proud to announce Dr. Nikki Gaylord as the recipient of this year’s Board of Regents Teaching Award.
Murray State University’s Center for Communication Disorders (CDI) department received the Parkinson’s Voice Project grant, which is designed to help individuals with Parkinson’s and other related neurological disorders.
Murray State University’s Department of Mathematics and Statistics hosted Math Day 2025 for 12 area high schools on Feb. 5.
On Thursday, March 6, Kate Herrmann, a junior from Mount Vernon, Illinois, presented her research on support services for neurodiverse college students at the Kentucky Capitol Building in Frankfort, Kentucky.
Murray State University Professor of Wildlife and Conservation Biology Dr. Howard Whiteman presented his work on how salamanders can signal climate change at the Carnegie Science Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on Feb. 24.
The Murray State University Board of Regents Presidential Search Committee has announced Dr. Ron K. Patterson as Murray State University President.
Dr. Aaron Thompson, president of the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education, will deliver the keynote speech
Live stream of the meeting on March 10 at 11 a.m.
Murray State University’s Nutrition & Dietetics students are offering healthy lunch options every Wednesday through April 30 (except March 19 for Spring Break)
Design details of the new building and naming opportunities are available at murraystate.edu/nursingbuilding