Health Fairs

Employee Health and Benefits Fair 

Wednesday, October 23, 2024
10:30am – 1:30pm
Curris Center Ballroom (3rd Level)

The Health and Benefits fair is open to all faculty, staff, retirees and spouses. There will be opportunities for screenings, education and to ask questions of our benefits and retirement vendors. 

Flu shots will be available at the Fair for regular full-time and part-time faculty and staff at no cost


  • A1C -  will be available to regular full-time and part-time employees and spouses
  • Pulmonary Function Test
  • Blood pressure
  • Balance and Grip
  • Weight, height and BMI
  • Hearing (this screening will take place in the Cumberland Room outside of the Ballroom)


Please bring your RacerCard with you to the fair. Your Murray State ID will assist with signing in at the fair.




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