Guide to Giving
On this page...
- Online Giving
- Annual Gifts
- Matching Gifts
- Gifts, Stock or Securities, Real Estate, or Personal Property
- Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from Your Retirement Account
- Memorial Gifts
- Faculty & Staff Giving
Annual Gifts
Annual gifts provide crucial, flexible support to meet the strategic priorities of each college, school, department, and program. Annual gifts fund educational essentials for student scholarships and experiential learning opportunities such as research projects, conference participation, and study abroad. You can designate the focus of your gift to a particular area on campus or support the greatest needs of the University by making a gift to the Murray Fund for Excellence. You can make a one-time, monthly or recurring annual gift of any amount.
Make a Gift by Mail or Phone
Send a check made payable to "Murray State University Foundation"
Murray State Office of Development
200 Heritage Hall, Murray, KY 42071
*Indicate your designation in the memo line (e.g. Dept. of Biology, or In honor/memory of ...)
Make a secure gift over the phone by calling the Office of Development and providing your credit card number.
You can reach us at 270.809.3001 or 1.877.282.0033.

Racer Digital Engagement Center
Chat with us! Murray State’s digital engagement center is a
program that connects our current students with Murray State
alumni, friends and parents. Students call Monday-Thursday
during the academic year and also make calls during the summer months.
Did you receive a call from one of our Racerthon callers and pledge a gift? Fulfill your commitment and make your gift today!
Matching Gifts
Make your gift go even further! Many companies participate in matching gift programs. Some companies will even match gifts made by retirees and spouses of employees. At Murray State University, matching gifts count toward donor recognition clubs. To find out if your company has a matching gift policy, search below, or talk with your human resources department – request a matching gift form or log-in from your employer and send it completed and signed with your gift. The impact of your gift may be doubled or even tripled! Contact the Office of Development with questions.
Gifts, Stock or Securities, Real Estate, or Personal Property
Through the Murray State University Foundation, Inc. we can also accept gifts of stock or securities. You may also make gifts of real estate or personal property, appreciated assets, life insurance/charitable trusts/annuities/bequests (see Planned Gifts for more information) for the benefit of Murray State University and our students. Contact the Office of Development today for more information at 270.809.3001 or 1.877.282.0033 or email
Memorial Gifts
Memorial gifts may be made online or by making your check payable to Murray State University Foundation with (the name of the fund) on the memo line.
If you are interested in making a memorial donation at an endowment level, please
contact the Office of Development at 270.809.3001 or email prior to making your online gift.
Mail your gift to:
MSU Office of Development, 200 Heritage Hall, Murray, KY 42071
Faculty and Staff Giving
Murray State faculty and staff have always been generous to our
University community by giving their time, talent and treasure
to support our students and programs across our campuses.
Over the years, Murray State faculty and staff have generously
given back financially through thousands of gifts totaling
millions of dollars.
We hope you will consider participating in Faculty and Staff
Giving. Join your coworkers in enhancing our students’
experiences, enriching our campus community, and sparking
research and innovation — core priorities of our fundraising
efforts. With your gift (of any size to any area), you send a
strong message that you support the mission and the vision of
this incredible university.