Transforming the landscape

Project Mission
Murray State University (MSU) will engage in activities to support the efficient and effective work consistent with the environmental cleanup and beneficial reuse of the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant site. Murray State University located in Murray, KY, has a strong history with partnerships within the region of Western Kentucky. The university has approximately 10,000 students studying within 146 academic programs. Connections to the regional economic development districts, local industry and K12 school systems create opportunities with our dedicated administration, faculty and staff to offer expertise and effect change with the robust teaching and research talents as recognized through receipt of federal and state grants.

Portsmouth Paducah Project Office
The Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PGDP) was constructed in 1952 to produce enriched uranium, initially for the nation’s nuclear weapons program and later for nuclear fuel for commercial power plants. The plant is owned by the Department of Energy (DOE), which oversees environmental cleanup activities at the site, including environmental remediation, waste management, depleted uranium conversion, and decontamination and decommissioning. Commercial enrichment was conducted under lease from 1993 until 2013 when operations ceased and the gaseous diffusion facilities were returned to the DOE Environmental Management (EM) program. EM has conducted extensive cleanup activities at the site since the late 1980s and is currently deactivating the returned plant facilities while continuing the aggressive remediation program being managed by its Portsmouth/Paducah Project Office.
STEM & Entrepreneurship
Designed to encourage regional students to learn about and engage in activities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) disciplines.
Research, Education, Public Outreach
Engaging community members and other site stakeholders in activities to educate, inform and solicit input on-site future use planning.
ASER Student Summary
The main goal of the ASER Summary is to inform regional high school students about the activities and opportunities available at the Paducah DOE Site. This summary is an annual project for a local high school. Futuriti Career Information
Alex Sherwood
MSU/DOE Project Director
Murray State University Paducah Campus
4430 Sunset Ave.
Paducah, KY 42001
Email: asherwood@murraystate.edu
Office: 270-809-1652
Cell: 270-556-3001