University Studies courses
University Studies Courses
The following courses have been approved to be University Studies courses in the 2023-2024 University Bulletin. Students: please refer to your own RACR Audit to determine whether specific courses fulfill specific category requirements in your declared Bulletin and for your specific program.
- COM 161 Intro. to Public Speaking
- HON 165 Honors Seminar in Communication
- THD 151 Mind, Body, and Voice in Communication
- ENG 105 Critical Reading, Writing, and Inquiry
- HON 150 Honors Rhetoric, Composition and Resaerch
- AST 115/116 Intro. to Astronomy/Lab
- BIO 101/100 Biological Concepts Lecture and Intro Biology Lab
- CHE 101 Consumer Chemistry
- CHE 105 Introductory Chemistry
- CHE 111 Essentials of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- CHE 201 General College Chem.
- EES 101 The Earth and the Environment
- EES 102 Earth Through Time
- EES 125 Weather and Climate
- EES 199 Earth Science
- PHY 130/131 Gen. Physics/Lab
- MAT 117 Mathematical Concepts
- MAT 130 Technical Math I
- MAT 140 College Algebra
- MAT 145 Trigonometry
- MAT 150 Algebra and Trigonometry
- MAT 220 Business Calculus
- MAT 230 Tech. Math II
- MAT 250 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I
- STA 125 Statistical Reasoning
- STA 135 Intro. to Probability and Statistics
- STA 253 Introduction to Statistical Data Analysis
- ART 101 Drawing 1: Introduction to Drawing
- ART 105 Studio Art for Non-Majors
- ART 111 Studio Practice
- ART 112 Studio Research
- ART 113 Digital Foundations in Art
- ART 121 Art and Visual Culture
- ART 211 Survey of Art from Antiquity to Baroque
- ART 212 Survey of Art from Enlightenment to Present
- ENG 214 Introdution to Creative Writing
- HON 109 Interdisciplinary Humanities and Fine Arts
- HON 161 Honors Seminar in Visual Arts
- HON 162 Honors Seminar in Music
- HON 163 Honors Seminar in Theatre
- MUS 102 School of Rock: History and Stylistic Development
- MUS 103 Grand Ole Tour: History of Country Music
- MUS 104 Introduction to Jazz History
- MUS 105 Introduction to Music History
- MUS 106 Music in Film
- MUS 107 Introduction to American Musical Theatre
- MUS 108 Journeys of Sound: Introduction to World Music
- THD 101 Dance Appreciation
- THD 104 Theatrical Experience
- ARC 150 Introduction to Archaeology
- CIV 201 World Civilizations I
- CIV 202 World Civilizations II
- HON 150 Honors Seminar in Archaeology
- HON 201 Honors Seminar in World History I
- HON 202 Honors Seminar in World History II
- CHN 321 Asian Wisdom & Fantasy in Comics
- ENG 201 Introduction to Literature
- ENG 266 Literary Encounters
- HON 251 Honors Seminar in Literature and Philosophy I
- HUM 211 Humanities Tradition
- HUM 213 Interdisciplineary Approaches to the Humanities
- PHI 142 Philosophy - The Big Questions
- PHI 201 Introduction to Philosophy
- POL 261 Introduction to Political Theory
- AGR 199 Contemporary Issues in Agriculture
- ANT 140 Exploring World Cultures
- ARC 150 Introduction to Archaeology
- COM 131 Introduction to Interpersonal Communication
- CRJ 140 Introduction to Criminal Justice
- ECO 190 Consumer Economics
- ECO 230 Principles of Macroeconomics
- ECO 231 Principles of Microeconomics
- EDP 260 Psychology of Human Development
- EES 110 World Geography
- FIN 230 Personal Financial Planning
- HON 133 Honors Seminar in Sociology
- HON 180 Honors Seminar in Psychology
- HON 232 Honors Seminar in Economics
- HON 270 Honors Seminar in International Relations
- NTN 230 Introductory Nutrition
- PCH 201 Introduction to Public and Community Health
- POL 250 Intro. to International Relations
- PSY 180 General Psychology
- SOC 133 Intro. to Sociology
- SOC 231 Social Problems
- AGR 200 Cultural and International Agricultural Perspectives
- AGR 353 World Food, Agriculture and Society
- ANT 140 Exploring World Cultures
- ART 213 Art of Global Cultures
- BIO/EES 103 Saving Planet Earth
- CHN 105 Introduction to Chinese Culture
- CHN 202 Intermediate Chinese II
- CHN 340 Chinese Diversity Through Food
- CNS 371 Diversity and Advocacy Issues
- COM 260 Communication Ethics
- ECO 230 Macroeconomics
- EES 110 World Geography
- ENG 226 Argument and Discourse
- FCS 111 Family & Environment
- FRE 105 Introduction to French Culture
- GDS 201 Introduction to Gender and Diversity Studies
- GER 105 Introduction to German Culture
- GER 202 Practical Applications in German
- HIS 120 Exploring the World's Great Cities
- HIS 221 American Experience to 1865
- HIS 222 American Experience Since 1865
- HIS 316 Women and Gender in World History
- HIS 320 Topics in African-American History
- HON 140 Honors Seminar in American National Government
- HON 212 Honors Seminar in Ethics
- HON 272 Honors Seminar in Comparative Politics
- INF 101 Research in the Information Age
- INT 201 Appreciation of Intercultural Experience: Special Topics
- INT 202 Appreciation of Intercultural Experience: Britain
- INT 203 Appreciation of Intercultural Experience: France
- INT 204 Appreciation of Intercultural Experience: Food
- JMC 168 Media Literacy and Society
- JPN 105 Introduction to Japanese Culture
- JPN 202 Intermediate Japanese II
- NLS 207 Diversity and Inclusion in a Global Society
- NLS 290 Community Engagement and the Nonprofit
- NUR 370 International Health Seminar
- PCH 260 Ethics of Healthcare Decision Making
- PHI 202 Ethics
- PHI 212 Contemporary Ethical Problems
- PHI 215 Ethical Issues in Cybersociety
- PHI 230 Ethics & Health
- PHI 260 Death
- POL 140 American National Government
- POL 252 Introduction to Comparative Politics
- RGS/HIS 209 World Religions
- RGS/PHI 221 Philosophy of Religion
- SOC 250 Global Sociology
- SOC 269 Popular Culture
- SPA 105 Introduction to Hispanic Culture
- SPA 202 Practical Applications in Spanish
- THD 118 World Theatre
For a list of approved University Studies courses for prior iterations of University Studies, please refer to the student's RACR Audit and/or the appropriate University Bulletin.