Map-making and Graphic Design
The Mapping Applications and Resource Center specializes in geospatial applications, cartography, and graphic design.
MARC uses a combination of geographic information systems (GIS) and off-the-shelf graphics software, such as CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator, and Photoshop to develop custom cartographic map products and graphic products suitable for a range of uses.
40 Years of GIS and Remote Sensing
Our resume is fairly extensive. Over the four decades of cartographic and research history of MARC, we have engaged in numerous projects covering a wide variety of topics.
- U.S.G.S. National Gap Analysis Program: MARC was the primary investigator for the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
- Kentucky Utilities: MARC authored data products pertaining to unemployment and labor force information to assist with KU's economic development activities.
- Kentucky Broadband Initiative: MARC was an initial agent of the Kentucky Broadband Initiative, working with ConnectKentucky to develop the first collection of broadband service maps for the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
- Teacher Education Training & Professional Development: MARC hosts a number of workshops each year to train area K-12 teachers in GIS, GPS, and other geospatial endeavors to engage students early in their academic careers to the power and usefulness of geography. MARC associates are active with AmericaView, the Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals, the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, the Kentucky Geographic Alliance, and the Association of American Geographers.
Many Murray State University facilities and offices have partnered with MARC to develop mapping and graphic projects.
- Watershed Studies Institute, Murray State University: MARC assists in the database management of regional watershed information related to the Tennessee River/Kentucky Lake, the Cumberland River/Lake Barkley, and the Four Rivers region which includes the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers.
- Murray State Police Department and Emergency Management: MARC was responsible for authoring the hard-copy parking maps.
- Office of Institutional Effectiveness: MARC authored map products showcasing demographic and education data pertaining to regional and national trends in secondary and higher education.
If your group, organization, or office needs a map graphic for a brochure, postcard, bookmark, website, or any other graphical media, call or email us for a consultation.
For more information please contact Mr. Michael Busby,