Murray State Rodeo Team Events
Rodeo Team Events

Steer Wrestling
Cowboys compete for the fastest time to wrestle the steer.

Barrel Racing
Cowgirls compete for the fastest time to complete the cloverleaf barrel pattern.

Goat Tying
Cowgirls compete for fastest time to tie down the goat.

Bull Riding
Cowboys compete for best ride in 8 seconds.

Saddle Bronc Riding
Cowboys compete for best ride in 8 seconds.

Bareback Bronc Riding
Cowboys compete for best ride in 8 seconds.

Team Roping
A Header team roper and Heeling team roper work together to rope the steer in the fastest time.

Breakaway and Calf Roping
Cowboys rope and tie the calf down and Cowgirls rope the calf for the fastest time.

Steer Wrestling
Cowboys compete for the fastest time to wrestle the steer.

Barrel Racing
Cowgirls compete for the fastest time to complete the cloverleaf barrel pattern.

Goat Tying
Cowgirls compete for fastest time to tie down the goat.

Bull Riding
Cowboys compete for best ride in 8 seconds.

Saddle Bronc Riding
Cowboys compete for best ride in 8 seconds.

Bareback Bronc Riding
Cowboys compete for best ride in 8 seconds.

Team Roping
A Header team roper and Heeling team roper work together to rope the steer in the fastest time.

Breakaway and Calf Roping
Cowboys rope and tie the calf down and Cowgirls rope the calf for the fastest time.

Steer Wrestling
Cowboys compete for the fastest time to wrestle the steer.

Barrel Racing
Cowgirls compete for the fastest time to complete the cloverleaf barrel pattern.

Goat Tying
Cowgirls compete for fastest time to tie down the goat.