Master of Arts in History

The master of arts program in history offers advanced study in American, European, and African/Asian/Latin American history. The course of study emphasizes the development of a coherent view of the past, the effective communication of ideas, and the familiarity with a variety of historical schools of interpretation.

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A degree that takes your further.

The master of arts in history provides excellent preparation for doctoral work in history, for law school, or for other professional and graduate education. The history M.A. is also excellent preparation for careers in government, public and private agencies concerned with history, and any career requiring research, analytical and writing skills. It also enables teachers to meet Rank II certification in Kentucky public schools.

Master of Arts in History Degree Requirements

Principal graduate course offerings are in American and modern European history, complemented by course offerings in African/Asian/Latin American history. All students complete a capstone project, which is a journal-article-length piece of writing or the equivalent.

Curriculum and requirements

Requirements for Admission

Applicants must meet the Murray State University requirements. Additional requirements are as follows:

  • Unconditional
    • An undergraduate major or minor in history.
    • GPA of 3.0 or better in history courses.
    • 3-5 page (minimum) sample of historical writing.
    • Two letters of recommendation that address a candidate's ability to do graduate work in history.
  • Conditional
    A student with a GPA in history courses below a 3.0 or in a field related to history may be admitted conditionally to the history M.A. program, but the student must satisfy the conditional requirements for admission as specified in Chapter 2 of the Graduate Bulletin.

Apply for Admission

  1. Apply for Murray State University Graduate Admission
  2. Email your transcript to
  3. Email writing samples and letters of recommendations to the Graduate Coordinator in the Department of History - Dr. David Pizzo,

Application Deadline: June 1

Cost and Assistantships

Tuition rates are cost-competitive. Apply for assistantships in April for the forthcoming academic year.

The history department awards a limited number of assistantships each academic year. Applications for assistantships should be made directly to the graduate coordinator of the Department of History.


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