Global Languages and Theatre Arts - Online
Online Language and Culture Classes
Are you a student or adult learner who prefers flexible online language learning? Are you looking for a few more credits in Spanish, Portuguese or Chinese to bring you closer to graduation or completing a major or minor? Our department is expanding our distance learning courses to give you more options.
Spring 2025 Online Classes:
- ASL 101—American Sign Language I
- ASL 102—American Sign Language II
- CHN 321—Asian Wisdom and Fantasy in Comics
- CHN 340—Chinese Diversity Through Food
- JPN 202—Intermediate Japanese II
- JPN 402—Advanced Japanese II
- JPN 421—Topics in Japanese Literature
- POR 201—Intercultural Communication in Portuguese
- POR 202—Practical Applications in Portuguese
- SPA 101—Fundamental Communication in Spanish
- SPA 102—Social Interactions in Spanish
- SPA 105—Introduction to Hispanic Culture
- SPA 201—Intercultural Communications in Spanish
Fully online Spanish and Portuguese Certificate programs are now available, in order to help adult learners, professionals, and students improve their language skills and acquire a valuable credential.
For up-to-date information about our online Portuguese courses, contact Robert (Moses) Fritz ( For information about our other online programs, contact Brent Menchinger ( or Tanya Romero González ( For CRNs and more detailed schedule information, check the Murray State class schedule.