Discrimination Grievances
Discrimination Grievance Procedures FAQs
Reporting Allegations of Illegal Discrimination and Grievance Procedures
Question 1: What should a person do if they believe that they have experienced harassment or discrimination which violates the university's non-discrimination statement?
A member of the University's community who believes themselves to be a victim of harassment and/or discrimination is encouraged to report the information to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX (OEO).
Question 2: What should a person do if they witness or learn about an incident that may be considered harassment or discrimination?
If the discriminatory, harassment or sexual misconduct behavior is against a student of the University, please report any information learned to the Deputy Title IX Coordinator and Coordinator of Student Conduct and Special Projects of Student Affairs and Deputy Title IX Coordinator (425 Wells Hall, 270.809.6832).
Question 3: Where can I find information on how to write out my account of what occurred to file an official complaint?
Forms may not provide enough information about the concern. To that end, our complaint process involves a narrative or written account detailing what occurred. A PDF file version of question prompts is available to download.
Question 4: How long do I have to file a grievance based on alleged discrimination?
A grievance based on alleged discrimination must be filed in writing within one-hundred-eighty (180) calendar days from the date of the alleged discriminatory act.
Question 5: What if I am not sure if what has happened to me is really discrimination?
Call the Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX (OEO) to assist you in making your determination, and field questions about the grievance procedures/process. Generally speaking, the grievance procedures are to address allegations of discrimination based on the institution's non-discrimination statement.
Question 6: What if I don't want to file a complaint, but just want the behavior to stop. What do I do?
Call the Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX (OEO) to share available options and take questions about the grievance procedures/process.
Question 7: How do I obtain a copy of the grievance procedures to address allegations of discrimination?
See the full text of the grievance procedures below or download a pdf of Grievance Procedures.
Question 8: What resources are available to me?
Members of the University community whom have been hurt by sexual and relationship violence – is a critical campus concern. The University strictly prohibits the crimes of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence or stalking. Further, these crimes have no place within our University community. The federal Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA) placed new obligations with colleges and universities under its Campus Sexual Violence Elimination (SaVE) Act provision in 2014. These new regulations are designed, in part, to help prevent sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking, while also raising awareness and providing support at every turn. Our campus community is committed to creating a safe environment for all faculty, staff and students and this brochure offers resources and useful information. The useful information includes reporting responsibilities, resources and where to locate the procedures to address allegations of sexual and relationship violence.
Question 9: Where do I find information regarding student-to-student illegal discrimination allegation resources?
Questions about allegations of student to student illegal discrimination should be directed to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX, 270.809.3155. A copy of the Student Disciplinary Proceedings are available. The Office of Student Affairs is also available for inquiries.
Question 10: Where do I find information regarding student-to-employee or employee-to-employee discrimination allegation resources?
If the allegations being made by the student or an employee are regarding a faculty or staff employee of the university, those questions should be directed to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX (OEO) at 270.809.3155. A copy of the Reporting Allegations of Discrimination and Discrimination Grievance Procedures can be downloaded.
A pdf version of starter questions is available. Download Complaint Preparation Guidelines